Waterproof Gun Safes - Are Gun Safes Truly Waterproof
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Waterproof Gun Safes: Myth or Reality?

Are gun safes waterproof? The short answer is – No.

Gun safes aren’t completely waterproof, but some models do offer water resistance. Such safes can protect your guns from water damage for a certain period during leaks or floods.

It’s about knowing what your safe can handle and taking steps to boost its water resistance.

Can Gun Safes Be Truly Waterproof?

Is it possible for gun safes to be completely waterproof? The simple answer is no. Gun safes are designed to resist water, but “waterproof” might be a stretch. Think of them as water-resistant. They can handle some water, like during floods or spills, but not forever and not under all conditions.

Here’s the deal: gun safes have special seals to keep water out. But these seals aren’t perfect. Over time, they can wear down. If the water’s too much, or the safe is submerged too long, water might get in.

So, when you see a gun safe labeled as “waterproof,” it means it can protect against water to a certain extent, not that it’s invincible against all water, all the time.

Water Resistant vs Waterproof Gun Safe

What’s the difference between water resistant and waterproof gun safes? Well, this is similar to the question about Fireproof and Fire-resistant. While both terms are used to describe the same characteristic, historically “waterproof” indicated a stronger ability to withstand water. So when it comes to safes you will see such differences in their description:

  • Water Resistant: These safes can handle some water, like light rain or small spills, for a short time. They have seals that block water, but these aren’t perfect. Over time or in a big flood, water will most likely sneak in.
  • Waterproof: This term suggests a safe can stop water completely, no matter how much or how long. But in reality, no safe is 100% waterproof under all conditions. Some safes are better at keeping water out than others, especially if they’re designed for flood-prone areas. But even these have their limits.

This means that that whatever label the gun safe has it will not be completely impervious to water damage. And what you really should be looking at is the official water rating assigned by the manufacturer or by independent organizations (ETL, UL). Also, if the gun safe comes with fireproof rating it’s likely to also have a waterproof rating. Some brands are known for this feature in their models. take Remington for example.

How to Tell if Your Gun Safe is Water-Resistant

Figuring out if your gun safe is water-resistant is key to keeping your firearms safe. Here’s how to check:

  1. Look for Ratings: Safes often have ratings or certifications that tell you about their water resistance. These ratings show how much water the safe can handle and for how long.
  2. Inspect the Seals: Check the safe’s door seals. Good seals are thick and durable, helping keep water out. If the seals look worn or cracked, the safe’s water resistance might be compromised.
  3. Manufacturer Details: Read what the manufacturer says about the safe. They’ll often mention water-resistant features or specific protections against water damage.
  4. User Reviews: See what others say. People who’ve had their safes through floods or leaks can tell you how well they really hold up against water.

Remember, just because a safe says it’s water-resistant doesn’t mean it’s suitable for every situation. Consider where you’ll keep your safe and the likely water risks in that area.

Keeping Your Gun Safe Waterproof: Tips and Tricks

To make sure your gun safe stays as waterproof as possible, follow these tips:

  1. Regular Checks: Inspect your safe’s seals regularly. Look for any wear and tear that could let water in. Replace seals if they look damaged.
  2. Elevate Your Safe: Keep your safe off the ground. This reduces the risk of water getting in during floods. Even a small platform or pallet can make a big difference.
  3. Use Silica Gel Packs: Moisture can build up inside your safe, even from the air. Silica gel packs absorb moisture, keeping the inside dry and protecting your guns from rust.
  4. Consider Location: Place your safe in a part of your home that’s less likely to get wet, like on an upper floor or away from plumbing.
  5. Maintenance: Regular maintenance isn’t just about checking seals. Make sure the safe’s exterior is also in good condition to fend off water.


In summary, finding a gun safe that’s completely waterproof might not be possible, but you can still protect your guns from water damage. It’s important to understand what your gun safe can really handle and take steps to make it more water-resistant. Checking the safe’s specs, keeping an eye on its condition, and using simple tips to keep moisture out will go a long way.

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