Best place to keep your gun safe

Best Place to Keep Your Gun Safe

So you bought a safe and now can’t decide where to put it? That’s actually a good question to think about. Choosing where to place your gun safe is about finding the right balance of being able to get to it when necessary, keeping it secure, and ensuring it’s not easily seen. But in short:

If you don’t need to hide the safe and want to have quick access to it – bedroom is the optimal choice. And if you want to keep the safe hidden and away from view, the basement works great.

If you want to know what the most suitable places to keep your gun safe are, this guide will help you. We explain all the options, considering balance of accessibility, security, and discretion in gun safe placement. From garages to bedrooms, each with its unique benefits and considerations.

Why Hiding Your Gun Safe is a Smart Move

Picking a spot for your gun safe goes beyond just storage. You want to be a responsible gun owner and boost your home safety. Here’s why concealing your gun safe is wise:

  • Keeps It Away from Wrong Hands: The primary reason? To prevent access by children, intruders, or anyone who shouldn’t handle your firearms. A hidden safe is your first defense.
  • Adds an Extra Layer of Security: Even if someone breaks in, finding a well-concealed safe takes time. Chances are, they won’t bother searching if it’s not in plain sight. A visible gun safe on the other hand automatically makes it a target for theft.
  • Maintaining Privacy: As a responsible gun ownership practice, it’s essential to keep your firearms discreet. This privacy ensures that only those who need to know about the safe’s contents and location are aware.
  • Compliance with Legal Requirements: In many jurisdictions, firearm security tips include mandates for secure storage. Concealed gun safes help comply with these regulations, ensuring safekeeping firearms at home.

Also since you are probably keeping expensive stuff in you gun safe, you wouldn’t want to risk it, right? Why leaving it to a chance? A safe not found is a safe not broken.

Best Places to Store Your Gun Safe

Best Places to keep a guns safe

When considering the placement of a gun safe, it’s fair to say that gun safes are often large and require suitable space. Knowing this, here are optimal locations:

  1. Garage: An excellent spot for a garage gun safe, providing plenty of space. It’s out of the main living area, reducing the risk of accidents while still accessible.
  2. Basement: A basement gun safe offers a discreet and secure location. Its out-of-sight nature adds to security and it typically has enough space to accommodate larger safes.
  3. Living Room: A living room can house a wall-mounted gun safe or a standing cabinet. It blends with the decor while ensuring the firearm is within reach.
  4. Bedroom: Ideal for a closet gun safe. Although under-the-bed placement isn’t feasible for larger safes, closets can provide enough space and accessibility.

Let’s see how all these locations match against each other and what advantages they have.


The garage is often chosen for its spaciousness and separation from living areas. It is indeed a highly suitable and popular option for gun safe placement. This choice offers a balance between accessibility and discreetness, aligning well with the principles of responsible gun storage and home security.

Keeping a gun safe in the garage
Space Availability: Ample space for larger gun safes.Environmental Factors: Susceptible to temperature and humidity changes.
Privacy: Less traffic from guests ensures more privacy.Security Risk: Potential vulnerability to burglaries if not adequately secured.
Ease of Access: Convenient for accessing firearms in relation to external entry and exit points.Distance from Bedrooms: Less ideal for emergency situations due to its location away from sleeping areas.
Reduced Interior Impact: Preserves home aesthetics by keeping the safe out of living areas.


The basement is a go-to spot for many when it comes to storing a gun safe. Its appeal lies in being out of the main traffic areas of the home, providing a discreet and secure location that’s often overlooked.

Keeping a gun safe in the basement
Reduced Visibility: Basements are typically private areas, not frequently visited by guests.Accessibility Issues: In an emergency, reaching the basement can be time-consuming.
Spacious: Ample room for larger safes, without intruding into living spaces.Risk of Flooding: Basements are prone to flooding, which can damage the safe and its contents.
Environmental Stability: Often maintains a more consistent temperature and humidity compared to other areas.Humidity Concerns: Despite general stability, some basements may have higher humidity levels, potentially harming firearms.

Living Room

The living room, often the heart of a home, is a common choice for gun safe placement. It offers the advantage of having firearms within reach, especially in social or communal areas.

Keeping a gun safe in the living room
Immediate Accessibility: Quick access in case of emergencyHigher Visibility to Guests: Could raise security concerns or curiosity
Visibility for Supervision: Easy to monitor if you spend a lot of time in the living area.Space Constraints: May intrude into living space, especially in smaller homes.
Integration with interior design: Some safes can be designed to blend seamlessly with living room furniture.Potential Safety Risks: Increased risk of unauthorized access, particularly if the room is often used by children or visitors.


Placing a gun safe in the bedroom is a practical choice for many, mainly for the convenience and quick access it offers during night-time or emergencies.

Keeping a gun safe in the bedroom
Quick Access: Essential during emergencies, particularly at night when response time is critical.Limited Space: Fitting a large safe in smaller bedrooms can be a challenge, requiring careful planning.
Privacy: The personal nature of bedrooms offers a secure environment, limiting external visibility.Safety Concerns: With children in the house, the bedroom requires stringent safety measures to prevent accidental access.
Ease of Concealment: A bedroom allows for more discreet safe placement options, such as in closets or behind furnishings.

Best Ways to Hide Your Gun Safe

While choosing a smart location for your gun safe is crucial, concealing it effectively is equally important. Doing it will provide added security and peace of mind. Here are some of the best methods to hide your gun safe:

  • Hide in Walls: Integrating safes into wall structures is not only space-efficient but also adds an element of surprise. Concealed behind artworks or fixtures, these safes are virtually invisible to the untrained eye.
  • Put the Safe in the Closet: A closet provides a natural cover, keeping the safe out of sight while maintaining easy access. This is particularly effective in less frequented rooms like a home office or guest room.
  • Disguise Your Gun Safe: Disguising your safe as an everyday furniture piece, such as a bookshelf or cabinet, cleverly masks its presence. This method not only secures the safe but also adds to your room’s décor.


Picking the right place in your home for a gun safe—a garage, basement, living room, or bedroom—is key to keeping your firearms secure and practicing responsible gun ownership. Each choice has its benefits and challenges. Consider how quickly you need to access it, the level of privacy, the environment, and how much space you have.

Remember that it is not all about the placement though, the choice of the right safe is super important. Because sometimes the safe itself can be a target. In some cases burglars can steal the whole safe. Lean more about how to Protect Your Safe from Removal.

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